Figure Out Your Entire Life in a Weekend
What is our purpose in life? What is the meaning of life?
Here’s how I figured it out for myself in two days…
At the moment you’re probably thinking…
“If I don’t know my purpose in life, shouldn’t I find it?”
“If we are here for a reason, shouldn’t we discover it?”
But here’s the thing…
The meaning of life, our true purpose… does not have a definitive or agreed upon answer.
Which means that anything you do is a choice. You are choosing what you believe is meaningful and purposeful…
So the simple answer to the question is… you choose what the meaning or purpose of life is (I’ll explain how to do that).
And when you make that choice. It’s always correct. *
It’s YOUR life and YOUR meaning so YOU choose what YOU spend YOUR life doing.
- You can decide if the meaning of life is to create a family and pass on your knowledge and genes.
- You can decide you are here to make money. 💸💸💸
- You can decide that there is no meaning (which means you choose what you’re doing anyway), maybe we’re in a simulation. 🤖
- Or to get meta you might find meaning in searching for meaning and exploring what this world has to offer. 🔭
All of these, whatever you do, it will be a choice.
If something means a lot to you; it is important to you. That’s all.
So meaning will be different for everyone.
There is no universal truth or meaning to our lives…
Until someone discovers our true meaning, nihilism, religion, anything else, are all choices.
The only thing which we DO KNOW for sure to be true is that choice is the only answer to…
What is the meaning of life?
When you realise this, the next question people ask is…
Well, what do I choose and
how do I make the right choice?
Let me tell you… once you start asking yourself those questions
It WILL cause existential crises every other week.
Here’s the silver lining to the first part of that question, What do I choose?…
No matter what you are doing you
are always just aiming for happiness.
Out with friends, stay in bed, visit grandparents, make more money…
All of these are things we choose to do because in the overall picture of life, we think the happiness and pleasure we gain from them is worth it. Even things on the darker side of life, we do them because we believe there is an opportunity to enjoy ourselves.
This base desire is so powerful. It’s what creates FOMO.
FOMO for a choice or chance to make our lives happier.
Even the argument for human survival and religion comes down to what you choose… because happiness and joy are still central to your decision.
Do you believe living a certain lifestyle or praying will grant you eternal happiness?
GREAT… you are trying to get as much overall happiness as possible. Just like everyone who doesn’t have religion. You just made a different choice.
Since we don’t know what is truth for sure, we can only make a choice.
When I understood this, it gave me the freedom to decide exactly what I wanted in life, and what was important to me.
I wrote down what makes me happy. I wrote down everything I really wanted from my life.
And now I live every day enjoying my choices.
That’s my life. You can do whatever you want too.
There is nothing we MUST do.
Everything single thing is a choice.
Quick note:
Doing what you want should be balanced with trying your best not to hurt others. But that’s a whole discussion about right and wrong in itself.
Once I knew what I wanted, and what made me happy… I started planning my life.
This is what I used. 👇🏽 The 5 Star Life
To get your 5 Star Life, you must know what you want in each area.
It sounds difficult and overwhelming to know what you want. But that’s because you and most others think of life as a whole experience.
Instead, break it down into these six areas, and solve it like a jigsaw.
Put together the parts of your future life that you CAN imagine; then the overall picture of the life you want and will enjoy will be clearer. There is no predetermined path, it’s your own creation.
Your picture will change to match what you believe will bring you the most happiness.
Wanting to be a superhero is a great life goal for a child, but perhaps not an adult (debatable).
In the same way that having a job you love might be a great goal for an adult, but not what you’d expect from a 4 year old.
I believe the world will be a happier place when people know who they are, and what they want (True confidence).
No more feeling insufficient.
No more fear of putting your opinions out there.
No more feeling lost and unsure in life.
I hope all this will help you take at least a few more steps forward or reassess the steps you’ve taken.
If you want to ask me anything 👉🏽👉🏽👉🏽👉🏽👉🏽
We haven’t answered the 2nd part to the question… how do we know we are making the right choice?
The answer is every choice we ever make, and have ever made is the right one. This will be explained in the next blog.
Stay tuned.